The Edmonton District Labour Council runs a yearly Labour School where they offer Basic Shop Steward Training, and we are grateful because we had many Stewards that needed training. On February 25, 26, 2023 we had 9 members of Local Lodge 1722 attend this school, along with some members out of Local Lodge 99, with a total of 14, District 14 Members in attendance.
Local Lodge 1722 had Stewards from Shepherds Care and Cummins attend this training, and we extend a thank you to all who attended for your commitment to your stewardship! All Stewards play a key role supporting their fellow members in their workplaces, all Stewards deserve a thank you, and know your Union is here for you. Remember to reach out if you have any questions, or come out to one of the Local Lodge Monthly meetings and let us know what is going on in your work place and how we can better support you!
Here is what some 1722 members had to say about the Shop Steward Training:
“The training has helped me to develop a better understanding of the skills I should adopt as a Steward. I never thought it would be this impactful. The discussion was filled with so much knowledge. It was a very captivating training session.” – Sophia
“It was a very interesting course for us as Union Stewards. Now we know what the Union’s role is at work and how to help our co-workers if they have problems at work.” – Elizabeth
“I really enjoyed the course, it was very educated, now I have confidence to work as a Union Steward at my workplace. Thank you very much.” – Akon Ajou
“Very informative, mind opening and helps me be more confident, especially as a new first time Steward” – Nino