Your Local Lodge Needs You!

Brothers, Sisters and Siblings, LL 1722, your Union, is in need of participation.  The Trustee and Auditor positions are important to our Union, they keep our Union accountable! This opportunity to get involved allows you to learn about your Union and help decide the direction we are headed.  This Union is run by its membership and if you want to ensure your dues are going where you want and everything is being handled as per our constitution and bylaws these are great positions for you!

Below are snap shops into the positions, everything can be taught, no previous experience needed, you will booked off work a couple times a year to be involved in the audits of your Local Lodge. Many other learning opportunities are available beyond these positions, like the title says, your Union needs you.  Without the members we can run this Union!

Thank you all for this consideration, and reach out to at any time with any questions regarding getting involved!





Under the IAM Constitution, each local lodge elects three Trustees. They are elected at the same time, in the same manner, as the other lodge officers, and for the same term of office. The Trustees have charge of all property of the local lodge. If the lodge owns furniture or office equipment such as computers, printers, copy machines, cell phones or other electronic equipment, the Trustees are responsible for maintaining an inventory of all property and for seeing that it is kept in good repair, although other officers may be assigned to use this property.

Trustees are also responsible for seeing that financial records and books are properly kept. This includes reviewing all vouchers and expenditures to ensure proper approval, union purpose and accuracy. As part of this duty, they are also expected to assist the Auditing Committee, as outlined in the following section, and verify the Committee’s report by signing it.

The Trustees should make sure that savings bonds, securities, and lodge documents are kept in a place safe from fire or theft.

Trustees are responsible to the Grand Lodge for all property under their control. Many of the Trustees’ duties outlined above are also obligations of the other lodge officers. For example, the President, Recording Secretary, and Secretary-Treasurer all share responsibility for seeing that books and finances are properly handled.

The Trustees are an added safeguard.


The Auditors and the Trustees are the
membership’s watchdog on finances. They check the lodge’s finances and give members a complete financial report.

The IAM Constitution states that audits must be conducted semi-annually, at the close of June and December. The three Auditors and the three Trustees have the following responsibilities:

1. Make a thorough audit of all financial and membership records of the lodge. This means:

• Checking the per capita tax records sent to Grand Lodge against the receipts records and the individual membership or agency records.
• Checking bank deposits, monthly bank statements and cancelled cheques.
• Checking bills against the cheques drawn to pay them.
• Reading lodge minutes to make sure that all bills and expenditures were properly authorized by the membership.

2. The Auditors’ task includes auditing all supplemental lodge accounts, such as emergency funds, savings accounts, U.S. bonds and building funds.

3. Report the Committee’s findings to the local lodge membership at the next meeting. This is done on a form provided by the IAM General Secretary-Treasurer.

4. The Committee shall read the report in full or read a summary of receipts, expenses, assets and liabilities, depending on the wishes of the membership. The Committee should be ready, willing and able to answer any questions about the report — members have a democratic right to full information on the union’s finances.

5. Report to the Grand Lodge on the proper form.

Updated: 16 June, 2024 — 12:50 pm