Greeting Members of Local Lodge 1722, Happy New Year to you all!
I wanted to introduce myself, I am Local Lodge 1722’s newest Communicator, Ashley Speer, I also sit on your Executive as Vice President. I had the pleasure today, January 4, 2023 to join Frank Saptel, IAMAW Canada’s Communicator, for an online basic web training session. Today I have learned the basics of WordPress, which is the back end of our website. I now have some knowledge that will help us keep the website up to date, to better communicate with you the membership. We have hopes that a newly functioning website will give us the ability to keep members up to date on news in the world of your Union, your Local, and the Labour movement at large.
Please feel free to reach out with any ideas of what you would like to see on the website going forward.
If you wish to stay connected, please update your contact information by sending me an email at
Let this New Year be one to remember!