Weldco workers join IAM
Reposted from iamaw.ca
trbo 13 March, 2019
Wednesday March 13, 2019
Fort McKay, AB – Workers at Weldco Heavy Industries are the newest members of IAM Local Lodge 99.
“The solidarity of these workers to achieve fairness in the workplace was overwhelming,” explained IAM District Lodge 14 Business Representative Matt Barnable. “We got this lead from one of our Chief Stewards at Kal Tire who knew some workers that needed help. We had a lot of support on the shop floor and were able to get automatic certification. It goes to show what can be achieved when workers are united. It also shows the benefit of keeping the conversation of organizing alive with our members.”
The 95 new members consist of welders, tool room attendants and maintenance and yard personnel.
Weldco Heavy Industries, assembles new bodies for mining trucks and refurbishes existing bodies for current and future fleet trucks operating in the Oil Sands. It specializes in repairing large capacity shovel buckets and track frames and rebuilding crawler dozer blades, large loader buckets and mining truck frames.
For further information:
Matt Barnable – IAM District Lodge 14 Business Representative
Bill Trbovich – IAM Director of Communications
416-386-1789 Ext #31/416-735-9765