The first Thursday of every month Local Lodge 1722 holds its membership meeting, and all members are welcome to attend. You can attend both Virtually (via Zoom) or In Person (at the District 14 Office in Edmonton). Last night January 5, 2023 was the first membership meeting of the new year and we had attendance both in person and online. Its always great to see new faces at the membership meetings, we encourage all to attend! Our Local Lodge and all IAMAW Local Lodges are run by the membership, the monthly meetings are where we conduct Local Lodge 1722 business, and receive updates on the units covered under our Local. If you have something to share or would like updates we encourage you to attend your monthly meetings!
Last night in attendance in person we had: Local Lodge President, Trent Mills, Local Lodge Vice President, Ashley Speer, Local Lodge Secretary Treasurer, Teddie Ncube, Shop Steward, Sam Nuako, Member, Arlene Crozier. Online we had: Business Representative, Kyle Frazen, Shop Steward, Elizabeth Garcia, and Shop Steward, Sofia Olvina.
It was a great turn out! If you wish to receive invites / reminders to our monthly meetings, please forward your email address, along with your full name and place of work, to VP, Ashley Speer at
Look forward to seeing you next month!