Enough is enough!
Nearly a year ago, several ad agencies decided to lock out ACTRA performers after 60 years of success working under an ACTRA agreement. The agencies wanted to gut wages and scrap benefits for gig performers.
You can help ACTRA’s fight to end this lockout.
Boycott all brands – and their agencies – who refuse to pay minimum rates.
Below is our list of union-busting brands – be sure to spend your hard-earned dollars elsewhere for as long as these brands continue to rake in profits while ACTRA members lose their livelihoods.
Let’s show brands that put profits over people that we won’t stand for union-busting.
Support our ACTRA siblings by clicking the link below and Adding Your Voice, as well as boycotting the below brands until this lock out is ended!
End the ACTRA lockout now! – Add your Voice by clicking here!